Monday, January 5, 2009


And so far, it works! It took a few days for the landlord's brother to get back into town with the ONLY key to the storage unit. Thankfully we were friends and kind to each other before this whole landlord/tenant stuff complicated things. I didn't take them up on their offer to stash some of my food in their spare fridge in the garage. I was honestly just too lazy to cart it over there. I could have gotten a smaller fridge MUCH sooner from the other rental that is currently vacant, but let's be real here. I have two teenage Shop-Vac's, my clone and I eat our weight in food three times a day at a minimum, and Devildog eats his weight in food once a day. We need mass quantities of refrigerated cubic feet, plain and simple. So out with the top freezer model, in with a side-by-side version.
Getting the fridges swapped was a near-Hurculean feat. First the door handles had to be removed from the old fridge, and it had to be angled through the kitchen doorway so the water line valve for the icemaker didn't kill the wall or trim. Then to get the replacement in the house was 40 minutes of work taking things apart and putting things back together. The water line had to be cut because there was no connection that just came apart. The doors had to come off as well. Then to get it into the kitchen, the front wheels had to be removed, then reattached right after they passed through the doorway so it would roll, be level and not tear up the already mangled vinyl flooring that was in there. That old fridge ripped the floor in several places being moved during rearrangement and remodeling, and this move was no exception. Then the doors had to be reattached, and the electrical connection reconnected (the ONE simple hook/unhook connection on the thing). The water may never be reconnected to it, as there's not really any means to hook it up here unless we tinker with stuff or actually you know...FINISH remodeling the kitchen.
ANNNNNND because it was in storage, it was very very dusty. My house smells pickled from the vineger used to clean the fridge.
I plugged it in after it sat upright a while following several sideways turns and stuff. I'm waiting on it to cool off enough so I can put food in it. Yet, for some reason the concept of THERMAL containment falls short on my family's scale of reasoning. They kept opening the blasted doors to see how cold it was getting. I should have taped the doors shut so the fridge could at least cool in peace. Geesh, can't a fridge get any privacy around here?


Persnickety Ticker said...

Maybe they were checking to make sure that the little man who operates the light that lives inside the refridgerator was settling in nicely. Ya know. Making sure he was comfortable...offering him a beverage...

Jackie's Stitches said...

Don't you wonder sometimes why something that should be simple turns out to be so hard?

Glad you have a frig...

Chrissy said...

A working fridge is a must. I love my side by side.

MrsSoersdal said...

Your week is sounding a lot like mine. Here's hoping we both get a galdarned MINUTE OF PEACE some time in the near future!