Saturday, February 9, 2008

Perfect site for nuclear testing, I tell ya...

I was trawling around blog-land and found this one
I personally am offended by the story because my husband was in the Marine Corps and I'm very glad I do not live in Berkley California. In my opinion, the citizens and officials of that city are just a bunch of wackos. I am not even going to launch into a long post about my two pennies on this. I live in a city chock full of military presence and come from a family of military affiliations, then married into a family with military affiliations. This ordinance wouldn't happen where I live, mostly because it's a rather backwoods city, but wouldn't happen here.


Anonymous said...

Love your profile shot. :) You scared me for a minute...I thought you meant my blog was a perfect site for nuclear testing. That would have made me kind of sad. :) But, yes, I'm all for some kind of change in Berkeley...

Feisty Irish Wench said...

Oh dear, I'm sorry I caused that kind of stress to you! Your blog is quite interesting actually. And when I read "you scared me for a minute" I thought you were going to make reference being scared of something in my picture! LOL I should post the pictures of the targets from that day's adventures....maybe another blog entry later ;)

Anonymous said...

First off, thanks to you and your husband for the sacrifices made as a family to serve our country.

Secondly, I agree with a quip from a commentator on a conservative morning talk show--Berkeley citizens still think it's the '60s.

The little pansies would be squealing the loudest for military protection should another 9/11 type attack come to their neighborhood. I heard this morning two of the city council members are reconsidering their position. Let's see if there is a shred of sanity left in Ivory Tower Land.