Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Right now, the weather here is crazy. It bounces between extremes one day to the next. Saturday was cold, Sunday was balmy. Yesterday was cool. Today was lovely. Maybe we should call this tennis weather - as in it goes back and forth. I feel like I'm in London, minus the rain and English accents (except I can call a couple people and get that). My favorite aunt in Missouri is pretty much snowed in, and schools are closed. They get snow days, we get hurricane days. That concept appeared on the school calendar after a few tropical storms blew through here knocking out power, taking down trees and sending people to shelters - yep - in the schools. So while some people think we're nuts for adding "weather days", it has been needed a few times like this year when Tropical Storm Fay took a vacation here. I was tempted to tell Aunt R to send her child to Florida for a vacation next summer.... .oO(hmm maybe we can coincide it with a home purchase and have extra help moving). Oop, sorry. Anyway, Aunt R told me that her child, A., said something that sounded like I said it. She said tone of voice, inflection, and content amounted to a teenage version of me. They were talking about a stew R made, and A said she didn't like the vegetables. Aunt R told A that she needed to eat them because it would make her *ahem* go to the bathroom. A said "I am already regular", and then pausing for a second, returned with "Have you smelled the bathroom lately?"
This conversation occurred en route to or from the store for metal cookie cutters. R and A sprayed the cookie cutters with cooking spray, set them on parchment on a cookie sheet, then put Jolly Ranchers in the cookie cutters, and put the pans in the warm oven for 6 or 7 minutes till the candy melted. Horse and cow cookie cutters don't work well according to R. I love this idea and hope to get around to doing it with my kids during winter break. I also have some cookie batter in the freezer needing to be baked. And a mixer DYING to be tested (unless someone's giving me a Kitchen-Aid, then they should just tell my husband so he can connive and get me to NOT use the new mixer I just bought so I can return it for the cash). Saturday is a busy day for my crew. I have the Clone who is going to an ice skating party for a couple hours, the oldest going to a longtime friend's house for a few hours out in tim-buk-f'ing-tu from here, and the Beast needing to be entertained and get some quality time with a parent in some way that doesn't involve servitude or beastly work. He's disappeared into middlechilditis again now that the oldest is home. My blog and I miss him. He's clearly not pleased for oldest child to be here again. So, I'm thinking that this weekend will be me and Beast in the kitchen with my MacGuyvered countertops, doing foodcrafty stuff. My challenge is going to be keeping the Clone occupied so that she doesn't make Beast want to leave the kitchen. So, I need to get my kitchen cleaned, and the needed ingredients by Friday.
Right now things are crazy (and it's not really holiday related so much as teenager induced, plus the sprinkling of holiday stuff that I could handle otherwise). And I don't know what it is about things getting scheduled all on the same day or in the same week etc. I've had two dates this month end up with double and triple bookings. This week's wouldn't have been a problem, except we have to make up weather days, so now that one evening with events scheduled is a school night. Somewhere in there I want to go hang out with my friend H, and her baby E. while they're here for Christmas. They leave the day after Christmas and while two weeks seems like a lot of time, I won't really have time to corral kids and visit with her till next week while the spawn are on winter break. Oh yeah, and looking to my right where my Blood Alliance calendar is hanging...I'm due to donate again this month. And there's training for my phone job that needs to be done this weekend before I can resume taking calls. And I need to pick up a bag of individually wrapped candy and a can of vanilla frosting and it was due to the school Wednesday but that page of info was covered by the reminder of tonight's rescheduled entertainment by children at the school. Not easy on the music teacher as she broke her ankle last week on the original date it was to take place.
I don't have my act together and the fact that there are even icicle lights on the front of the house is a mere miracle. I only did that yesterday to combat the urge to sleep at 4PM. The the computer got hijacked by a teenager while I worked on lights, then I had to cook dinner.
So if I seem scarce, it's because I really am that. And to my chat pals, I am not avoiding anyone or ignoring you. I just need to get things done AND sleep too. I'd much rather be chatting with you because it's more entertaining for me that way.

If it can spin, it does. My head, my eyeballs, my wheels (literally and figuratively-especially with this school assignment thing). I was brain fried earlier tonight, and not much has changed since, especially since my glasses broke and I have an issue with the optical place. That's a blog for later. So I'm going to go spin in my bed to get comfortable and get some much needed sleep before I zonk out in this chair at the desk like I did last night. I woke up with a cramp in my calf and it's still there. Not a bad series of days, just full ones all in a row.

1 comment:

MrsSoersdal said...

Yes, tropical storm Fay days, when they closed the schools for 3 non-stormy days in the first week and opened them for the only ridiculously stormy day there was so that I got soaked to the bone FOUR TIMES and spent an HOUR AND A HALF in the car line!! GRR!

bad memories...