Saturday, March 7, 2009

Do I stink?

What happened? I posted a blog entry a couple days ago and got no comments. Was I too morbid or morose or pensive or what? Was I touting a food joint too loudly? It all started when Devildog watched his daily dose of SportsCenter and the ESPN blurbs of every show surrounding it. They all had their "experts" yammering about how Terrell Owens was released by the Cowboys, a repeat of the Falcons debacle centering around the behavior of the player. As it happens, I randomly stick post-it notes and file cards around my house with interesting quotes that I've collected. In my ADD laden brain, there was a connection between Shakespeare's quote and the news du jour. Plus I had a really yummy lunch and wanted to let people know about something that wasn't negative in this world. Lord knows, people have plenty to whine and complain about, but good grief, can we balance it with the good things going on around us.
I'll leave you to scratch your heads some more and your "*sigh* uh.. yea."


Sammers said...

Your post was great last time, and I was just too tired to mention anything. I think those pregnancy hormones may be kicking in :)

Sam from California

Persnickety Ticker said...

Opening mouth.

Closing mouth.

Opening mouth.

Closing mouth.

Glad you had a great lunch.

Opening mouth.

Closing mouth.

Opening mouth.

Closing mouth.

What is this "ESPN" you refer to? I understand the "Shakespeare" but not the other stuff. I have learned not to speak about things of which I know not.

Closing mouth.

Kristin said...

I'm sorry! I went to reply to you from my big computer but couldn't remember my login. :-) I had it all typed up and everything, but I cleaned out my cookies and couldn't figure it out. So I'm back on the other computer. It doesn't make me login.

Anyhow. I was going to say I need to come up for lunch one day! It sounds fantastic!

MrsSoersdal said...

Just busy with the mother-in-law. Catching up with everything tomorrow morning, God willing.

tinkguy said...

Hmm. You leave interesting quotes on sticky notes and index cards placed in random places around the house? I would love to read some of your Magnetic Poetry.